About Us

International Tower Overview
Originally built in 1966 as a 32-story round apartment complex, featuring floor to ceiling windowed unrestricted views, the International Tower has earned its iconic Long Beach skyline notoriety.  The Tower consist of 204 homes, which included 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units, as well as 4 penthouse suites. The Tower was converted into condominiums in 1987.  Each owner is a Member of the International Tower Owners Association (ITOA) with five elected Directors. The association employs a fulltime onsite General Manager, Administrative Assistant and a Maintenance Staff.  Security services are also provided 24 hours, 365 days per year with video monitoring in all critical areas.  The association prides itself in maintaining a sound financial footing both in operating and reserve funding along with an aggressive attentiveness in maintaining structural and mechanical components.
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